Community Information

The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County offers a variety of virtual wellness initiatives, support group meetings and discussion groups.

More than 30 virtual meetings are offered each week on a wide range of topics. Some groups and meetings are focused on wellness topics such as gratitude, stress management and coping with COVID. There are also groups for individuals living with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and hoarding disorder. Other groups are focused on people with similar experiences and needs such as parents, individuals age 18-30, veterans, survivors of suicide, the LGBTQ community, college students, individuals living with a disability and those experiencing grief and loss. The agency also provides a meeting in Spanish.

A complete list is available online and Meetings are offered 7 days a week at a variety of times of day.

For more information, call 609 652-3800 or find details on Facebook - Mental Health Association in Atlantic County or Instagram

In addition to the virtual groups, the Mental Health Association in New Jersey's Call Center is providing free emotional support for those affected by COVID. Call-in and text options are available. Text NJHOPE to 51684 or call 866-202-HELP (4357). This service is provided 7 days a week 8 am to 8 pm. ​



To advocate and coordinate cost-effective, consumer-driven services that provide persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to choose their lifestyle, to contribute to the economy and to live life in an inclusive environment.


Grow the Statewide Independent Living Council, to better the IL- related needs of people with disabilities throughout the state of New Jersey.  

1.1: Maintain and improve relationships with disability-related state partner agencies to engage in and amplify IL activities.
1.2: Increase SILC membership with the goal of filling all 17 seats.
1.3: Expand IL knowledge and skills of SILC members and CIL directors and consumers.

Geographic Scope – Statewide

1.1: Seven or more non-DSE related state agencies aligned with the IL philosophy will participate in SILC meetings and activities at least three times per plan year.

1.2a: The SILC Recruitment Committee will meet at least quarterly. 

1.2b: At least one person will be nominated to join the SILC per plan year. 1.2c: When Council vacancies occur, someone will be nominated to fill the seat within two months.                          
1.2d: The Governor’s Office for Appointments will be contacted monthly to ensure the timely appointment of nominees. 

1.3:   One or more in-person trainings, SILC meetings or IL- related events will occur per plan year.

Objective 1.1: By the end of the Plan, representatives from seven disability related non-DSE state agencies will have participated in SILC meetings.
Objective 1.2: By the end of the Plan, NJSILC will have 13 voting members.
Objective 1.3: By the end of the Plan, SILC will have held 3 in-person events (training sessions, meetings or IL-related events).  Event evaluations will assess acquisition of new knowledge or IL related skills. Evaluation results will inform future CIL/SILC events.


All New Jersey residents with disabilities will have access to, and increased awareness of, the core services and other related services and supports the Centers for Independent Living provide.


2.1: Increase awareness of, and opportunities to participate in individual and systems advocacy among new and existing consumers
2.2: Increase awareness of and opportunities to participate in peer support activities among new and existing consumers
2.3: Increase awareness of and opportunities to participate in independent living skills training among new and existing consumers
2.4: Increase awareness of the breadth and width of information and referral assistance available to new and existing consumers

2.5: Increase awareness of transition supports available to new and existing consumers.

2.6:  Grow the collaborative relationship between the SILC and the NJ Association of Centers for Independent Living (NJACIL)

2.7: Address IL related- SPIL goals and ensure CILs receive the support needed to continue providing core services statewide and to communicate the value of the CILs to NJ residents with disabilities.


Geographic Scope – Statewide


2.1:  The SILC will promote and support opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in individual and systems advocacy with the CILs. among new and existing consumers
2.2: The SILC will promote and support opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in peer support activities offered by the CILs.
2.3: The SILC will promote and support opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in independent living skills training programs offered by the CILs.

2.4: The SILC will promote the breadth and width of information and referral assistance available to people with disabilities at CILs.

2.5: The SILC will promote the transition supports The CILs offer to people with disabilities

2.6:  The SILC will work with NJACIL to ensure CILs have access to adequate resources and the capacity to provide the five federally mandated core services, as identified as essential to the underserved communities they serve.

2.7: A SILC designee will participate in quarterly NJACIL meetings and provide updates on its SPIL- related activities. 



 2.1: Per plan year, the SILC will participate in, promote and support at least one individual or systems advocacy initiative centers are involved in per geographic region (north, central south). The SILC will use advocacy engagement tools such as VoterVoice to amplify these efforts.

2.2: By the completion of the plan, the SILC will create and disseminate at least one public facing document that highlights peer support initiatives offered by the CILs. 

2.3: By the completion of the plan, the SILC will create and disseminate at least one public facing document that highlights independent living skills training initiatives offered by the CILs. 

2.4: By the completion of the plan, the SILC will create and disseminate at 

least one public facing document that highlights the breadth and width of information and referral assistance offered by the CILs. 

2.5: By the completion of the plan, the SILC will create and disseminate at least one public facing document that highlights transition supports offered by the CILs.

2.6: Throughout the plan, the SILC will advocate at NJACIL’s discretion to the CILs continue to have adequate capacity and resources to provide the five federally mandated core services, as identified as essential to the underserved communities they serve.

2.7: Throughout the plan, the SILC will complete quarterly SPIL implementation reports.


Expand the awareness of independent living by partnering with the CILs to launch a statewide digital/virtual public awareness campaign.


3.1: Collaborate with NJACIL to contract with consultant to create accessible materials that promote the CILs and SILC activities.

3.2: Plan and host a statewide IL Education Day, for SILC members, CIL consumers, staff, community providers and partners organizations to amplify the importance of IL.

3.3: Create a plain language publication highlighting the dynamic relationship between the NJSILC and NJACIL which will include consumer stories, press mentions, and systems and legislative advocacy efforts.


Geographic Scope – Statewide


3.1a: SILC. NJACIL will identify topics an IL public awareness plan should include. 

3.1b: SILC/NJACIL will identify consultants/agencies that can create and launch of a public awareness campaign.

3.1c: SILC/NJACIL designees will work closely with the consultant to provide information as requested and to review all materials produced for the campaign

3.2: SILC will collaborate with the CILs and partner organizations to host an IL Education Day for potential and existing IL consumers and allied organizations.

3.3 SILC will collect and compile CIL successes for inclusion in an annual publication which will communicate the importance of IL in NJ.


3.1a: During the first year of the plan, SILC and NJACIL will identify key areas of focus for a public awareness campaign

3.1b: By the completion of year two of the plan a consultant will be hired

3.1c: By the completion of the plan, an IL public awareness campaign will be launched

3.2: By the completion of the plan, SILC and NJACIL will have hosted an IL Education Day.

3.3: By the completion of the plan, the SILC will create and disseminate plain language publication highlighting the dynamic relationship between the NJSILC and NJACIL which will include consumer stories, press mentions, and systems and legislative advocacy efforts.


Strengthen the SILC’s administrative infrastructure to more closely align with its mission as well as its current and long-term goals.


4.1: Review and update Council bylaws

4.2: Review and update policies and procedures

4.3: Review and update membership/officer materials

4.4: Digitize existing SILC materials and records

4.6: Develop a strategic plan


Geographic Scope – Internal


4.1: The SILC will review and update Council bylaws

4.2: The SILC will review and update policies and procedures

4.3: The SILC will review and update membership/officer materials

4.4: The SILC will digitize existing SILC materials and records

4.5: The SILC will develop a strategic plan.  


4.1: By the end of the first year of the plan, the council will review and update its bylaws

4.2: By the end of the first year of the plan, the council will review and update its policies and procedures.

4.3: By the end of the second year of the plan, the SILC will review and update membership/officer materials.

4.4: By the end of the second year of the plan, the SILC will digitize its existing material and records.

4.5: By the end of the plan, the SILC will develop a strategic plan.


Statewide Outreach to Un-served/Underserved Populations & Locations

1. Definition of Terms

SILC is using the definitions established by USDOE Rehabilitation Services Administration, the decades-long Federal Administrator of Disability Independent Living Programs prior to DHHS ACL.

Unserved populations or locales where IL services have not ‘penetrated’; i.e., a very small portion of the population or area may know about IL or even seek services, but there is no significant knowledge/use of IL philosophy or programs, no receipt of Core Services.

Underserved specific populations or localities which can be identified as needing more contact and/or more service provision; a ‘connection’ with the group or place already exists

2. How Populations/Locales Are Determined

Several resources are used: CIL Performance Reports and CILs’ quarterly reports to SILC (both B & C centers); Federal or State Department of Health data.

  1. Targeted Populations and/or Geographic Areas (not in order of priority)
  2. Asian Community (particularly Korean in some areas and Indian in some areas)
  3. Black Community (statewide)
  4. Hispanic (statewide)
  5. Rural sections of south Jersey (especially in Cape May, Gloucester, Salem counties)
  6. Rural sections of northwest Jersey (especially in Sussex and Warren)
  7. Rural sections of east central Jersey (especially in Atlantic, Ocean counties)
  8. All of Union County in central NJ (a populated, developed county with high IL need)
  9. Disability groups: adults with Intellectual/Developmental impairments, disabled vets, Pw/D transitioning from nursing homes to community living
  10. Statewide Outreach Methods/Activities and Their ‘Conductors’

  • SILC and CIL websites and social media – SILC, CILs
  • DSE presentations to schools, businesses, medical service providers – Local/Central Office staff
  • Print material and presentations to faith-based organizations – SILC, CILs
  • Print material and presentations to ethnic-specific/disability-specific community organizations –

SILC, CILs (may require translation of print material into languages other than English)

  • Print material and presentations at public sites/programs, such as libraries and community centers – SILC, CILs, DSE

The entire draft State Plan can be viewed on the NJSILC website at